Aunque en términos absolutos y también relativos la cantidad de pollutants emitted into the atmosphere a million cars circulating daily on the streets of Bogota is negligible compared to emissions of the 32,000 public transport vehicles (including the illegal supply of the city), the 465 articulated Transmilenio and 1000 feeder buses. That is why greater efforts to reduce pollution levels should be geared to the minority in this case to the public transport vehicles through the scrapping. Although I disagree with making city Bogota black market quota of private vehicles, if it is true that it is necessary to take measures to curb excessive fleet growth of our city, but this is not necessary to intervene in the economic chain associated with the vehicles (which would be quite damaging to the economy weakened and breached the country), but rather to establish business models for charging reasonable rates apply to the use of private cars for transportation. So every vehicle traveling must pay the costs associated with congestion (congestion charging), pollution (tax rates are increased for each year of operation of vehicles up to exaggerated values \u200b\u200binvolving the need to put old cars out of circulation ), use of roads and traffic and transport system of the city (taxes bearing consistent with the wear tracks suffer from excessive traffic of vehicles in accordance with their axes equivalent) to reinvest these resources in almost destroyed road network in Bogota . In addition to all vehicles must cargársele social costs associated with traffic. That is, if the county government is directing all its resources and efforts to public transport the most logical is that every citizen receives the economic benefits derived from using the Integrated Mass Transit and Public Transport as their regular transportation . Some of Bogota
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