Al contrario de lo que se suele pensar, el lomo de cerdo es tan magro como la pechuga de pollo sin piel, que es la parte menos grasa de esta ave. Así pues, esta carne no solamente resulta ser muy sabrosa sino que también puede considerarse ligera y saludable.
En este caso, tal como ocurre con el cerdo, el lomo es el corte más magro y con menor cantidad de grasa animal. Además esta es más rica en proteínas y hierro. Otras partes como la falda, la paletilla y la aguja también son recomendables.
La OMS recomienda limitar el consumo de las carnes que tienen más de un 10% de grasa a una o dos veces al mes. Dentro This group includes meat such as beef, lamb or pork (except for his loin), which can have up to 25% fat. In the calf this amount reaches only 12% and that of all meat fat is the most recommended. LEAN-MEAT
When choosing the best alternative because they have less than 10% fat. For example, the chicken housed in a 4% and the pork has a 3% However, how healthy would limit their intake to about 3 or 4 times a week, alternating chicken, turkey, rabbit or pork loin.
Especially in the case of red meat, which is richer in cholesterol and saturated fats lean meat. It also provides more calories and is rich in purines, which affect the level of uric acid.
BUT POSITIVE-fat meat often contains more iron than lean and, therefore, recommended in cases of anemia. Besides red meat also tends to be richer in B vitamins (especially vitamin B12), important for metabolism because it helps the formation of red blood cells and maintenance of the central nervous system. Keep in mind that meat is one of the best sources of protein quality calls with other foods such as eggs, dairy or fish.