Posted in What I know and I do
His vision of politics is very contrary to the elitism of such Ortega y Gasset. Chomsky is not considered a policy expert and member of an intellectual elite, only a well informed citizen who does his role in society and become aware before the event. Nothing more. This point of view coming from a renowned activist as he is really encouraging from the point and time if this is so, any of us, however simple and different from whatever their background, can participate prominently in the society, politics, the res publica, in public affairs. And this is precisely the claim of Noam Chomsky, that citizens have a role in political decisions and not be mere recipients (and sometimes suffering) of the elections.
If you think about it, this view fits perfectly with anarchism, which advocates radical and absolute democracy organize society through the assembly system, ie all citizens gathered in popular assemblies have the power and decision-makers.
Another aspect that has become one of the most successful progressive intellectuals, along with the recently deceased José Saramago, is his criticism unceremoniously to the U.S. and its international relations. In many publications, has ranked the world power and its Jewish ally of "states that practice terrorism." She even called the American giant as a "failed state" to have a serious democratic deficit and consent to the deception of the public through mass media sensationalized and manipulated by power.
point of view of Noam Chomsky is understood in a cursory knowledge of American political scene: bipartisanship is voracious and almost institutional and media virtually ignored the other policy options (to the extent that outside the borders U.S., we sound even rare) such as Green Party, which Chomsky has on several occasions.

In definitva, Noam Chomsky, regardless of whether or not they share his ideals, is undoubtedly a cult figure and wise, concerned about the reality that we live and controversial but sensible and consistent in their statements.
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