The mullet is included in semi-fat fish. It has about 4 grams of fat per 100 grams edible portion.
Their protein content is not very high, but the proteins are considered to have high biological value because they contain all essential amino acids.
mullet: it presents in its composition different vitamins and minerals. Among the vitamins are some of the group B as B1, B2 and B3, which allow the use of energy nutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins). Involved in many important processes as the formation of red blood cells, synthesis of genetic material, the production of sex hormones, etc. However, none of them is present in the mullet in significant quantities when compared with those with other fish.
As for minerals, mullet contains phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iodine.
The mackerel: a blue fish, ie, a fatty fish. Specifically, 100 grams of edible portion provide about 7 grams fat. This fat, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, helps reduce cholesterol and blood triglyceride-reducing the risk of atherosclerosis-and risk of thrombus formation. Is recommended in the diet of mackerel and other oily fish because thanks to the quality of their fat collaborate in reducing the risk of heart disease and blood vessels. The mackerel is a good source of protein of high biological value and has interesting amounts of vitamins and minerals. Among the B vitamins, include the B1, B2, B3, although the content of these vitamins is not significant when compared to other foods rich in these nutrients (whole grains, legumes, yeast Beer, liver and meat in general). Regarding vitamin B2, it is most abundant in oily fish than in whites, and has an outstanding content of vitamin B3. In addition, vitamin B12 is present in amounts outstanding and exceeds that contain eggs, milk and much of the meat.
Cod: a heavy white and, therefore, is low in fat. Fat reserves stored mainly in the liver, used for the manufacture of fish oil. Its flesh is rich in proteins of high biological value and also has a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Among the vitamins include the B group, especially B1, B2, B6 and B9. They all have important roles and allow the use of energy nutrients, ie carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
tuna, is one of the more oily fish consumed in our country. Their meat has a 12% fat, which makes it a fatty fish, but it is a fat rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which helps lower cholesterol and blood triglycerides and make blood more fluid, which decreases the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. For this reason, we recommend the consumption of tuna and other oily fish in the event of cardiovascular disease. Tuna is the fish common in the diet that has more protein from high biological value (23 grams per 100 grams), superior even to meat.
Compared with most fish, the highlights of their nutritional composition range of vitamins and minerals. Among the highlights B vitamins B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12. The content of the latter exceeds that of meat, eggs and cheese, natural food sources of this vitamin.
The cock: white fish is very low fat -100 grams of edible portion contains less than 2 grams of fat ", so if cooked without the proper way is ideal in low calorie diets.
Keep in mind that this fish is often fried or breaded, so the calories will be higher than if cooked on the grill or oven.
Although the proteins that are providing high biological value in the nutrient content is lower than most fish. Contains different vitamins and minerals. In relation to vitamins, the composition of the rooster highlights the presence of the B6 and B9. B6 content in the rooster is similar to most of the fish.
The line: is a white fish with a very low fat: 100 grams of edible portion provides less than 1 gram of fat. It contains high amounts of protein, but are of high biological value as they include all the essential amino acids.
The line also provides vitamins and minerals. Among the vitamins, are those which belong to group B as B2, B3, B6 and B12. All of them are present in insignificant quantities, except for the B3 and B12. The latter is detected in an amount even higher than most meats and dairy.