Well if yesterday and could not have failed the exam, the road will have to wait for few more days.
And it makes me angry because it was a very close, very easy and I can not say that I went well because I failed, but I really felt super comfortable and safe, even when I finished the exam my teacher made the sign of triumph without the examiner could see me and the truth is I left the car to wait for the verdict quietly.
But it was not: Judgement suspended for accumulation of minor: in gear with a bit of difficulty, an intermittent bad place, a couple of times I leaned over the side, ... in the end who cares what the case is I have to repeat it.
So again we return to classes and within days we'll try again.
And it makes me angry because it was a very close, very easy and I can not say that I went well because I failed, but I really felt super comfortable and safe, even when I finished the exam my teacher made the sign of triumph without the examiner could see me and the truth is I left the car to wait for the verdict quietly.
But it was not: Judgement suspended for accumulation of minor: in gear with a bit of difficulty, an intermittent bad place, a couple of times I leaned over the side, ... in the end who cares what the case is I have to repeat it.
So again we return to classes and within days we'll try again.
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