had always been a stop on the way to the daily routine: wake out, schedules, routines, daily stress ,.... But at the end of the day was a stop on the way into work, used to rest, to leave or simply do nothing.
often spent the weekend and having just had a feeling of wasted time. Were those weekends that John could not escape from Torrevieja to see us, they had no show with the choir, which had no plan and he spent lying on the couch.
Now the weekend is different, since I returned to work I can not wait to enjoy every moment with Antonio. On Saturday when John is going to work I take and then throw me in bed, then Antonio grabs my hand that looks like it's going to escape and so is a few short hours asleep. When it does is wake me in the face with his hands, as if I stroked his way, grabs the hair, nose, mouth takes the chin and then chest eagerly looking for "breakfast."
pets after walks, outings with Dad when he comes home from work and play, very much. Oh to see the amount of time we devote to play and laugh together.
nap even when the three of us is special. Become so intense enjoyed every moment together Antonio.
So I wish the same for me, you'll have a good weekend with your family.
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