and slept wonderfully in one go to about seven or eight in the awakening to take their ration of milk was warm and sleeping until ten o'clock.
But the time came when mom had to incorporate the work and from that day we are out of control. One week is left with potatoes but next week the grind of getting up at seven when I'm going to take you to the grandparents' house where, despite having prepared a crib almost identical to the one you have at home and get no sleep .
We have also gone from being the whole day together and be able to "engage in tit" every time I wanted to be several hours apart and changing food. There have been many changes and little by little we bolted.

the day was seven months due Aparicio of both anxiety and discomfort. When my mother brought the child to work (often bring me to small to mid-morning to work for him in the chest and thus "achucarle" a little bit) I said "Have you seen the tooth that has already?". My mother spent her finger along the gums and scraping the finger was there, hovering in the gum: the first tooth.
There was the explanation of the unknown night we were going, that bum so angry and all of those tears that we've never had before. Everything you put in your mouth, everything wants to bite for comfort to his discomfort, when they get home from work all he wants is to be in the chest buscanso los brazos,..........
Comenzamos con la dentición un nuevo pasito en su crecimiento y que de momento lo tiene bastante descolocado al pequeñajo, esperemos que poco a poco vaya mejorando.

Tenemos el frigo lleno de mordedores que vamos cambiando para intentar ayudarle a sobrellevar esta nueva etapa. Canciones, arrullos, caricias,.... son ahora mas numerosas para intentar consolar sus llantos.
Bueno damos un pasito mas en esta apasionante aventura de ver crecer a tu hijo.
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