I thought it would control, which would be one more step, one step more, I thought I was not going to get nervous ... and yet here I am nervous.
Tomorrow I have the driving license test. I never thought would come to this point. This is the third time I tried and thought it would be a plus, but this time had a very big motivation was the need to move with Antonio with total autonomy and without needing to anyone for any reason.
I passed all tests, selectivity, college exams, job interviews and no job as I am today. Maybe it's because for all they had the solution in my hands and study and study and be sure of a perfect test.
up with my sister told me she has gone through the final year exams for a degree examination of the card and so far has been his worst experience. But
morning many variables come into play not just to be prepared. There are many users on the road and my mother! that evil is conducted in Madrid, the time that the examiner lift good day ,.... In short there are many variables that I do not control and that makes me very nervous.

Anyway I have everything for me to relax, but .............
Well tomorrow is what has to be and if they stop and have another chance and if they approve of cool, cool, cool.
So girls I leave, I needed to write a bit to vent and tell you it has turned around.
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