Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shriver, P.w.atkins, Inorganic Chemistry

You can smell the marsh air.

"Be still Jesus" - Rocio says softly as he holds his hand. ''Since we dropped the other afternoon, has not stopped running for the chapel and going to dirty your suit. "

"Sure, Mom, is that we have much time up there and when we get closer to the fence is that it is spring right?".

"Yes, son, if within a few days will be my party. You do not want to be all full of Churrete when they come to see Right? ".

"No, mama, I know, but I can not sit still, I'm nervous Ufff these gorgeous Mama."

"Thank you, my life, they want to see me well and I love the faces they bring when they come to see us .... But what are you doing? Get off the bench, boy ... "

" I'm peeking to see if they come .... Have you come, Mom?
''Soon, Jesus, soon, but there are still a few days, so get off and come here. "

"Mama rockets have not heard that much like me or the flute and drums that bring us, as much as the angel of the altar, you are learning, try to remember to me the time, I see no horses and mules or women dressed in gypsy ....¿ There is much, mama?.

"Have patience, my child, are being prepared, and I assure you are coughing crazy spinning the head and talking about us"

... Hey, Mama, tell me again ...."

"Again?, My soul, every year the same ... What heavy, my soul! "

" Go, mama ...."

"Well, come sit here and I'll tell you ... "Remember last spring?"

"Yes, of course"

"Do you remember where to come?

"If mama, come from all sides"

"Yes, son, look .... Over here on this side are those who are of Cadiz, on the road to Canaliega. They are the ones that cross the preserve. Bring the smell Bajoguia sea, sand hill of geese and the noise of the aviaries. Jerez, Sanlúcar and Rota are bulerías you sing that you love "

" True, mama "

" Over there behind the fall of Seville, going through a wooden bridge that the Ajoli say, where we hear the echoes of the salves they send us to the cross and before that was dipped in the burning and other save more than they send from Villamanrique come from Triana, Ginés or Coria ... Many come over there ... leaving only empty villages pa ourselves "

" At the other side ....

"If mama, that way, I know ... is what leads us to the people, right?"

"Ja, ja, ja, ja ... If son, that of the plains, do you remember? "

" Sure, mom, not so long ago''

"True, there are my people. also cross bridges and pine forests and will also be the first to come to see you, because that is what we are caring and take us out on Monday to see the rest, all the others to pray and we want you to through me ... And how bad this world, my son, so long as a pilgrims' really, there is hope "

" And from the front, Mom? "

"I love to get this part, is not it?"

"Siiiiiii ...?"

" For there come the de Huelva, my life, come from the coast with the salt in the Atlantic, from Punta, Isla Cristina and Ayamonte. Poetry comes touting white from Moguer, is the panturranos and Palermo and from there on Friday afternoon, in the lubricator, ... .... Huelva arrive recognize that bring The smell of marsh rivers because they bring the white and blue ribbons of tangled green of the jara, because we hear their songs before their tears, for they are many, but just feel the beat of a heart, because they are shouting the name of their land while mine, and even the breeze is joined by his comrades. Know that they, because they bring a cart high, very high, filled with flowers pa put our feet because their cars are unique and are an explosion of colors that make you smile .... you know who they are, because we want to, my son, we are in love with all your soul ... "

" Fu! Mama .... What do I have that desire to reach !!!....¿ There is much, Mom ?..."

"Ha, ha, ha, ha ... No, my life , there is very little ... come here walk well you put the suit and climb into my arms, I'll tell you another look while you sleep, sleep and dream that comes before sleep .. my King ...... There is not nothing, baby believe me, they are more nervous than you ... "

found this story on the famous Facebook and I could not resist not to share this little corner (I have almost given up, sniff, lack of time).

But this year we are there. Antonio will for the first time these roads, live with him all those feelings ,.... Ains's warranty tread that these arenas together. On Saturday we go there and come back ten days later.

air You can smell the marsh, and the heart is exploding with joy because this year yes, this year we are back there.