Thursday, April 28, 2011

Conversion Sdhc En Sd


Ingredients (½ kg of cookies):
¼ kg of butter 200 g icing sugar 1 egg 450 g of corn flour. Garnish: sugar egg grated lemon tangerine skin.

Preparation: Melt butter
at room temperature y trabájala hasta conseguir una textura de punto de pomada.
A continuación, agrega el azúcar y mezcla hasta conseguir una masa uniforme. Después, añade el huevo y mézclalo nuevamente. Por último, echa la harina de maíz y vuelve a mezclar hasta que esté totalmente absorbida. Amásalo bien y extiende, dando forma a las galletas. Colócalas en una placa de horno untadas con huevo batido y adorna con el azúcar o la ralladura a tu gusto.
Hornea a 180º unos 12 o 15 minutos aproximadamente, según su grosor.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Brazilian Wax In Shreveport La

spring asthenia


not need almost nothing:
a friendly hand, a chimera,
distant and lasting friendship,
a bird to fly, someone who wants
or want to leave, a smile or a morning like
That's it. And it is not.
How easy to be happy! Who said so!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Is Vaseline Safe For Cloth Diapers


Ingredients 500 gr of hazelnut
350 gr of sugar, lemon zest

3 egg yolks 1 whole egg. Shreds

hazelnuts and mix with sugar, then add the lemon zest and egg yolks one by one, finally the whole egg.
Mix well, shape and baked cookies 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
Try not toasted if you do not acquire a burnt taste, should come out tender.

I Snore With My Mouth Closed

USE before collecting signatures of UGT and CCOO

view this collection firms that UGT and CCOO, this raised in the field of Personnel Boards and Committees of the AAPP Company to endorse the People's Legislative Initiative "On the Stable Employment and Rights", we mean like use the following:

* We are against the labor reform as outlined, as we are against the pension agreement signed with the UGT and CCOO Government. It is incongruous that you want to talk only about the labor reform and our "dear colleagues" forget that they ratified the agreement on pensions, leaving at age 67 retirement age and how crazy increased, the qualifying period for calculation of the pension, which means hardening and also reduce the final amount charged for future pensioners.

* USE say NO to the reform as stated and no to pension reform. Therefore, we can not join, nor sign any initiative that does not have included these two premises (Labor Reform and Pensions).

* UGT and CCOO, firms just can not ask for this, including the issue of pensions, and of course, USE NOT sign any initiative in the organs of government, in which there is no express statement of rejection of the pension agreement signed by these 'colleagues' union.

; A bit more consistency!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Memoriall Verses - Sunrise

Competition Working Staff Transfer Tables New Retributive

Same Category and Specialty. The deadline for instances is 26 to 30 April. For more information, get in touch with the Union

https: / / / portal / page? _pageid = 42.8294 & _dad = portal & _schema = PORTAL & itemid = 604186

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• 500 gr. whitefish
• 150 gr of peeled prawns
• 150 gr. of minced crab sticks

• 1 egg • 1 dl.
double cream • 2 or 3 slices of crustless bread parsley

• • flour to pass the burgers
• oil.

In a bowl put the bread in the cream, add the white fish hake chosen, skin and bones and shredded. Add chopped shrimp and chopped the sticks also. Add the parsley, season the mixture with salt to taste. Mix well and let it sit a bit in the refrigerator tightly covered. Once you've rested for 15-30 minutes to form patties, go slightly flour and fry in a pan with some oil. Allow a few moments on absorbent paper and serve with a side of fries, salad and a light pink sauce.

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• 2 medium zucchini 2 onions

• • 2 red peppers 3 green peppers

• • 1 clove garlic
• 3 large ripe tomatoes
• olive oil

• 5 eggs • few slices of ham
• salt and pepper.

Slice the onion finely, put to fry in a pan with oil add garlic and sliced \u200b\u200bpeppers, diced zucchini and leave something until tender. Then add the tomatoes, peeled and cut into cubes, allowed to do until everything is tender and no juice, looking fry, add the slices of ham. Then, strain the sauce if you have excess oil, otherwise leave in the pan. Beat eggs with salt and pepper and pour over the sauce, stir constantly until the eggs curdle, so they are facts but smooth. Serve with some freshly fried croutons.

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Posted in What I know and I do

Last February, in Dakar, Senegal's capital, celebrated the eleventh meeting of the Social Global international organization that aims to unite and coordinate all efforts and actions of various anti-capitalist and anti-globalization groups around the world.

Despite its significance and comprehensiveness, the meeting went unnoticed for most of the traditional media, digital media being collected by alternative.

These meetings come at the beginning of the millennium, in 2001, aided by a series of transform society organizations such as ATTAC in order to find alternatives to neoliberal policies and do battle and report the problems the world such as poverty or change climate, always under the motto "another world is possible" .
secular, nongovernmental and nonpartisan independence of the Forum is total, that is why any organization that shares his ideas on the need to change the world and its system, is welcome to join in the Assembly held during the celebration Forum. That is why working together all types of groups: feminists, youth, environmentalists, anti-capitalist, humanitarian, NGO's, etc.
The first three forums were held in the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre. Since then, the WSF has been convened in different parts of the world, particularly in capitals Third and Bamako (Mali), Nairobi (Kenya), Bombay (India) and Karachi (Pakistan).

addition to the FSM, has been made in the last decade various regional forums, such as the European Social Forum and African, of which there are five editions of each. And even Thematic Forums have been made, as the European Educational Forum or Social Forum Ethics and Morals held in Seville in 2009.
All forums have some common patterns: a contemplative and an active part. The contemplative is to maintain a series Meeting in the form of thematic assemblies, debates between the various delegates from the various participating organizations that serve to bring principles and ideologies so that you can organize and coordinate global action from regional groups (as they say: "Think globally and act locally" ). The active is nothing to take to the streets en masse in protest, to protest in favor of other more humane and supportive, and against the establishment. WSF meetings have even led to peaceful demonstrations and a million more people coming from all over the world.
Its open and pluralistic character makes the combination of ideas and associations these forums is overwhelming, but there are basic objectives that we all share: to create an alternative economic system to capitalism to combat human inequalities and environmental imbalances, build deeper and participatory democracies in which the individual has more more weight than a mere vote , and of course, defend at any cost the strict observance of human rights by all states.

The WSF 2011 has revolved around the economic crisis, Africa and its diaspora or the riots in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, among many other issues. And, in this FSM, the debate about the need to rethink the format of assembly and organization to achieve in the future be a true global anti-globalization movement has also been very present but not substantial conclusions.
WSF In 2011, the correspondent of Esther Vivas, anticapitalist leader and journalist, has been important to inform the international meeting and his articles have been published on his blog and in some alternative media major counter- Rebellion as or Kaos en la Red .

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Clothes For Half-marathon


The Mediterranean Diet Foundation wants to claim back the
stews and in collaboration with Gallina Blanca, has created the "Ten Commandments of soup" in which he presents the ten good reasons to eat this dish .

1. The soup is part of the Mediterranean culinary tradition universal.
2. Contributes to a varied diet, because it can enter all the foods on this diet (fish, meat, rice, herbs, garlic, vegetables).
3.Hidrata the body.
4. It is an economic food.
5. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. 6.Tiene
large satiating power, allowing us to maintain a good weight control.
7. It is easy to digest.
8. It is food safe. By subjecting the food and water at temperatures a hundred degrees (boiling point) will kill microorganisms and possible bacteria. 9.Se
can consume all year, adjusting its temperature and seasonal ingredients.
10. Good for all ages. VEGETABLE SOUP


• 1 ½ liter of good broth or meat stock or chicken
• 400 gr. Swiss chard or spinach
• 300 gr. • 2 carrots, zucchini

• 300 gr.
green beans • 2 leeks ( parte blanca )
•1 cebolla
•3 huevos duros picados
•pan frito en daditos
•aceite de oliva y sal.

Lavar bien todas las verduras. Trocear menudas las espinacas, las judías, la cebolla, los puerros, las zanahorias y los calabacines y poner en una cacerola con un poco de aceite de oliva. Saltear unos momentos y seguidamente mojar con el caldo o fondo de carne o pollo. Dejar cocer a fuego suave hasta que las verduras estén casi tiernas. Rectificar de sal si hiciera falta y servir bien caliente con el huevo duro picado y unos daditos de pan frito.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

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delicacy SOUPS

Manjar de corral
Su carne oscura y prieta, plato de domingo until 30 years ago, returns to the tables. Haute cuisine has brought back the prestige to pitu caleya, which is again brought up by the thousands.

not resemble the chicken farm. Its meat is darker and harder and unique flavor, even higher, according to their ardent supporters, that of pork, beef and even lamb. Caleya pitu is the chicken, raised in freedom, which feeds on grain and that peak in the soil. It's so different from these white birds we buy from butchers and supermarkets, many people when they eat first doubt that it is chicken and other confessions prefer the taste of that produced in the farms.
Ana Alvarez is one of the few people que en Asturias siguen criando auténtico pitu caleya. Vivió su infancia viendo crecer pollos en el corral de casa y ella continúa la tradición materna.
Sus pitos son nacidos en casa, de huevos empollados por las quicas, esas eficaces gallinas pequeñas que reúnen trece huevos y se quedan cluecas. Ana los cambia por huevos de otras gallinas para garantizar el nacimiento de los pollos. Recién nacidos, los alimenta de pan amasado que ella misma prepara y después comen cereales: trigo, cebada y, sobre todo, maíz, procedente de la huerta familiar. «Y, por supuesto, las verduras que les echamos y lo que comen de la tierra, caracoles, lombrices, pero nada de pienso», explica la propietaria.

After four or five months, the whistles are free and on their own, abandoned by their mothers, they begin to lay eggs again. When daylight falls, retire alone to roost. Just live until they are at least a year. "By then," says Alvarez-weigh and about three and a half kilos of meat are at their best, because they walked and ran much of the farm. " Amador
purchase chicks Mieres market and, sometimes, if opportunity arises, the Lion brings. The first two months gives a bit of feed with 70% corn and wheat and soybeans, to 'a little fattening. " Then the power is reduced for wheat and corn ground, soon to be and all you eat, along with the grass and everything else to bite on the floor. The ex-miner whistles sacrificed about seven or eight months old, when they weigh on average about four kilos. If they are to freeze, the leaves a couple of days round the serene, in a cool place or in the refrigerator before cooking. LOPEZ ISABEL

Friday, April 22, 2011

Dog's Leg Is Swolen And Hard


"hazelnut smoothie" - 500 g


2 l milk 120 g sugar, whipped cream

put in a bowl of milk ¬ a rather frivolous, hazelnut ice cream and sugar. Then they beat them all with the aid of rods kitchen to get a frothy cream and consistent, smooth. We tested
whipping and if necessary add more sugar.
divvy up the mixture into eight individual glasses and garnish with a little whipped cream.

"Condensed Milk Shake" -

condensed milk 8 tablespoons natural yoghurt

4 4 scoops vanilla ice cream cup

In blender put the condensed milk, yogurt and ice cream balls and add a glass water.
Whisk until the cream to get rid and get a fine and homogeneous cream with no lumps.
glasses and serve immediately.

"Shake nougat -

750 g soft nougat

750 ml milk
50 g sugar 20 g ground cinnamon, whipped cream.

First cut the nougat into small pieces and put them in the bowl of a blender with milk and sugar.
Beat for five minutes, until creamy and homogeneous thin, smooth. If necessary, add a little more sugar.
Serve immediately in individual glasses and garnish with a little whipped cream and cinnamon.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kalahari Vs Great Wolf

2011 to Labour and Independent Trade Unions Officials Announce

https: / /

https: / /

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Letter Of Invitation For An Exhibition


Monday, April 11, 2011

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actions by modifying the pension reform

denounce that pensions will fall by 15% and call for other measures of economic revitalization.

reclaiming Organizations as partners representing to reform the pension system and do not rule out other actions. They shall

next week to the parliamentary groups a package of amendments.

Unions ANPE, CCP, SAE, and USO SATSE presented this morning in Madrid a series of joint actions aimed at the amendment "substantially" Bill to reform the public pension system introduced by the Government and supported by the UGT, CCOO and the employer.
union representatives have stated in a press conference, "I reject as disproportionate and ineffective and that will drastically reduce the value of pensions. "
For these unions, pensions are not the problem of the economy, but employment and propose to control spending and make comprehensive reforms to shape a framework for economic growth and employment. Reforms among which human capital development with more investment in education, enhancing the R & D + i, provide appropriate infrastructure and labor market reform than what has been undertaken. In a statement
are in favor of keeping the 65 years retirement age are entitled to 100% of the board, keep the calculation period in the 15 years with choice worker's years of most interest or set ratios to anticipate the retirement age in certain occupations, among many other proposals.
"Because there are more unions in this country and citizens have expressed mostly opposed this reform," as declared by José Luis Fernández, Minister of Communication of the USO, "we will be belligerent because we understand that unions are to sign improvements for workers, not for the crutches of government. "
These unions, whose platform has been built CESM union in the coming days and expect it to FASGA, are highly representative in leading sectors of our society, including education, banking, government, healthcare, energy, automotive and department stores. They are committed to bringing to the parliamentary groups contributions to reject this Bill, or contributing to the amendment during the parliamentary process.
As it stands, "the pension will decrease about 15%," said Fernandez, "and our society will progress in poverty because the government makes its adjustments sacrificing those in worse situations."

Care sectors. Carmen

Guaita, Vice President ANPE National has called for "maintaining the statutory retirement age for teachers at age 65 and retirement arrangements that exist: the voluntary extension of working life until age 70 and retire at 60 for they reach that age with greater physical and psychological. "

Isabel Lozano, Minister of Communication of SAE, calls "the professionals of health and social welfare are included in a special, due to the stress levels of their working life, being in permanent contact with the disease, because otherwise the retirement at 67 will the situation be that caregivers worse off than patients who attend. "

Rafael Reig, Secretary General of SATSE union action, in favor of a flexible and voluntary, has been reported that simultaneously cuts in the health field will be rescuing the financial sector, and has shown its concern over "reform gross pension system, which is our achievement, and whose attack will be to the benefit of private pension plans. "

For his part, José Ignacio Gutierrez, Secretary General of DC, has recognized not understand "how CCOO and UGT were incorporated into the policy of attack, which is not social policy" and noted that "our pensions will approach the worst in the entire European Union."

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CARE SERVICES DANCE THING OF ALL / AS (Text: Rakel Plans Rojas; Photos Alfonso Torres)

our hospital services are not good because some people, inconsiderate students who do not think his teammates, the degradation continues. Although still fix the broken and ill, which they should not do for several reasons:

  • If plunder would have a very serious sanction.
  • give more work to maintenance personnel and cleaning is not something positive and good for anyone, much less for them because it shows that not respected or valued for their important work.
  • The bathrooms are something we use every and all, it is a necessity. Mess is a disservice to everyone, including those insensitive to the wreck.

deterioration and neglect of services is unclear because at 15:00 pm are not too clean, but when it reaches 8: 30 are clean or are at least enough to have some hygiene.

The last incident I remember was when he got a paper in the toilet. But was not alone. Spread the contents of the bins for the service, throw in the toilet the toilet paper rolls or break the pipes are just some of the damage it has received the services of the institute. To avoid this, it is necessary that we all aware of the importance of hygiene and care of our facilities. I say all because those who destroy and neglect must stop, and the rest, who knows or may suspect who committed these acts, you should report when possible.

Why people enjoy breaking things?
do not understand, and it cost me to understand people having fun doing that kind of thing.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

How To Untwist A Bowel

historic turn of the CCOO and UGT in union elections of officials. Zapatero assignments to cause the loss of top UGT and CCOO

unions Ignacio Fernandez Toxo and Colin Campbell have paid dearly for its policy of pacts with the Zapatero government, getting the worst election results in its history. The failure of the general strike and the 'photo of La Moncloa' have been key. According

has managed the Digital Confidential, the plants that had bid for union elections to choose delegates to the General Administration bodies the State have received the Ministry of Labour and the results of the election. With data in hand, the unions agree that public employees "have punished CCOO and UGT."

The sources consulted by this newspaper explained that both plants "have been lost in ministries and municipalities that were real estates, and this is reflected in the final results at the national level."

CCOO and UGT have been reduced its support in the Officer Personnel Boards, which have lost a significant number of delegates compared to 2007. A failure to elect 847 representatives more in a new poll April 28, the union led by Toxo has gone from 679 to 388 delegates, and the central Candido Mendez, 551-337.

His relationship with the Government they have suffered

union spokespeople for ECD consulted agree in highlighting the approach to government policies as the key to the fall of the CCOO and UGT. Those sources add that both plants "have image of weakness, improvisation, and desire to come to power." These are the arguments for this statement:

- "I have signed it." For the other unions, one of the biggest mistakes made by the CCOO and UGT have been "betrayed format, seeking more agreements with the Government to present their claims: "Your baby's position to the executive has led to their own arguments to turn against."

- Their positions are anti-labor . The sources consulted by this newspaper explained that "no employee can understand that the organization is supposed to sail for their rights is under increasing its working life."

- Failure of the general strike and officials. CGT only supported CCOO and UGT in both competitions, which had a paltry turnout, "Nobody believed a strike against cuts to staff and against the labor reform months after approving the government. " Moreover, such calls, both unions "demonstrated lack of organization and prevention."

- Outrage at the 'Foto de la Moncloa' . Of all the actions undertaken by both unions in recent months, the "most outrageous" for workers, was the staging of a great 'social pact' with the government in the presidential headquarters. Submit and accept the pension reform and "rub elbows with the political and economic power" eliminated, according to sources, "Any kind of credibility for the CCOO and UGT."

Source .- The Confidential

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Exhibitor Letter English


ending this week we had the privilege to be visited in the IES "Virgen de la Esperanza" by Gema Araujo , Secretary General of PSOE mayor of La Linea and the upcoming municipal elections and Pedro García Vázquez, Director of Canal Sur in the Campo de Gibraltar.

The second came to our institute on Tuesday, 5 a third time to give the co-3 º ESO a talk in our auditorium on the media and its power and impact on society. After his lecture, the partners of "Pandora's Box" Rakel Plans and Freedom Sword along with a server were talking to the reporter to agree that on Monday 11 we go to South Canal studies and Algeciras to interview and take part in a program live. In short you can see the result of our visit. To accompany Pedro Garcia Vazquez Ana Leon, president of the South Sea that we always get for our wonderful talks and tours center.

Canal Sur Team of the region. Source:

The first, Gema Araujo, attended the Our Lady of Hope on Friday, 8 a second time to give a talk to fellow 2 º and 1 º ESO on the Campo de Gibraltar, La Linea and operation of municipal elections. For the students who are in the Hall Advancement served them especially as they are doing this quarter, an interdisciplinary project on the city and the region. A Gema Araujo will accompany Francisco Espada, n º 2 local PSOE.

Friday, April 8, 2011

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

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On Wednesday 30, 2 º Bachillerato IES Virgen de la Esperanza accompanied by language teachers, Antonio Alcalá, and Technology Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Ana Lopez had occasion to go to the Congress Palace of La Linea to witness an adaptation of a classic English drama, Historia de una escalera of Antonio Buero Vallejo.

The company was humble, as most circulating throughout Spain, with a great will and enthusiasm and few resources and means, but he knew how to do a good work, being able to touch us with stories of successive characters. With a little knew perfectly decorated recreate the landing, doors and stairs in a neighboring community, space to pass all the facts.

Historia de una escalera tells different stories of poor people seeking to better themselves through various means to fulfill their dreams and escape the same ladder, the same routine, the same life of hardship. However, the fate imposed on dreams, creating a cyclical and repetitive reality that is repeated over generations displayed on site. Temporarily, the drama is set in Spain first in 1919, then 1929 and finally in 1949. In the adaptation we saw, these temporary changes are marked by a darkening of the scenery and listening to music zarzuela (very typical of the time) or radio news at that time.

The core of the work revolves around Fernando and Carmina, two youths who were in love but are separated by circumstances and different people end up marrying: Urban and Elvira. All this amid whispers of neighbors, poverty and dreams in the air and finally broken. Over the years, Fernando and Carmina, neighbors still have a hostile relationship when their children also known as Fernando and Carmina fall in love, the kids are forbidden to be seen mainly as a result of the quarrels of their families.

saluting actors and actresses after the performance.

This repetition of the same parent-child story shows the power of destiny, something that dovetails nicely with the stoicism of Seneca's classical theater. On the other hand, forcing families to separate their children reminds us to love Romeo and Juliet of Shakespeare and those familiar conflict between dignity and individual freedom is also very common in Greek tragedy in general and of Sophocles in particular.
Despite ties to the classics, Buero Vallejo was a playwright innovative and revolutionary for its time, the Franco years, it recovered and social issues theatrical theme, somewhat forgotten after the war.

addition Virgen de la Esperanza Menéndez attended the Toulouse and the West Sea.

Retrieving the social problems as a theme, Buero Vallejo in his work contrasts two models of change of life and pursuit of dreams. On the one hand, Fernando, individualist, who want to pursue their dreams by itself, without assistance, but without clear how or when to start. On the other hand, Urban, collectivist and unionist, that seeks to change the course of his destiny with the help of those who are in the same situation of poverty. Ultimately, with the advent of the Civil War and dictatorship, both models fail in their objectives.

Baccalaureate Companions social Virgen de la Esperanza.

makers of What I know and I care also attended the theater.

As strengths of this adaptation, the lighting can create intimate spaces where they confessed the characters and the simplicity of the work without losing the meaning of original text. As a somewhat weaker points, the use of earpiece by the actors and actresses, something rarely seen, and sometimes sound shrill and poorly through no fault of the company but of municipal facilities. And of course, the best of the best, the announcement that part of the proceeds from entries will go to a project in Potosi (Bolivia) by the NGO "Education without Frontiers"

Antonio Buero Vallejo.

In short, History of the ladder is a magnificent work that despite its age is in full force for raising such universal issues as the shortage of outlets for young people, murky, the heredity of family conflict or the ideological confrontation between all go forward together or opt for the stampede. A classic of a English author brave adapted by young and promising company.