Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Negative Side Effects Of Corn


Trahtemberg lion. AREQUIPA
combined to encourage teachers to apply, and thus win the political party that opposes Sutep the CPM.

In such propaganda is not noted for teachers who would enter the CPM which was to change the designation of working hours, making the current chronological hours (60) to hours teaching (45), for which has established a value of 49.83 soles. Thus, a full-time teacher was on the ballot with 40 hours time-now be contained with 30 hours teaching.

formerly included teachers with 30 hours now would include with 24 or 25 hours depending on the level pedagogical and teaching hours (Supreme Decree 079-2009-EF is entitled to full pay Monthly Establishes First (I) Level of Public Educator; Scale Implementation of Article 63 of Law No. 29062 and the amount of the monthly salary and allowances of teachers employed, of 02 April 2009).

Thus, the teachers of the initial 30 hours now be paid only for 25 hours teaching. Then, a professor of Level III 30 h 1.203 winning soles and expected to be repaid now with the CPM 2.003 soles, only took 1.669 soles. Although now earn more than before the change in definition of teaching load affected their salary expectations. That has sounded misleading.

In addition, practical problems have been created absurd. Let's see. In the same school, the initial teacher who works with the old law should stay until 1.00 pm, while he joined the CPM meeting its 5 hours teaching at 11.45 am, ie, before they leave Kids! Worse is the case of a preschool teacher who works 40 hours in a crib with children 6 months to 2 years from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm. Now figure in 25 hours. Who will care for children from 11.45 am to 2.00 pm?

Another example is the conductor of 40 hours of winning a state school which posits 1.320 soles and enter Level III of the new CPM hoping to gain 2.671 soles, however, discovers in his book that now appears as a teacher for hours, and then only with 30 hours, so that their pay is at 2.003 soles.
disorder is observed, confusion, and especially large frustration among teachers who feel cheated. Previously, there had been a similar frustration in the teachers contract admitted to the CPM, but in that case the teachers themselves were paid less than their counterparts who did not have the income to the CPM. There is also a feeling of helplessness because teachers try to approach the UGEL or the Ministry of Education to request an explanation and to solve the problems, but usually not in the forefront friendly partners to address their concerns.

Would not it be more sensible than the communication strategy of the ministry had placed concrete examples of pay slips from the same teacher, for the same workload, before and after entering the CPM, for anyone to feel surprised? Of course there less attractive the central advertisement significant salary increase, but the problem was going to explode sooner or later anyway.

These things discourage many teachers to apply to join the CPM and reinforce the idea that the ministry is not reliable. Something has to make the Ministry of Education as soon as possible.


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