actions by modifying the pension reform denounce that pensions will fall by 15% and call for other measures of economic revitalization.
reclaiming Organizations as partners representing to reform the pension system and do not rule out other actions. They shall
next week to the parliamentary groups a package of amendments.
Unions ANPE, CCP, SAE, and USO SATSE presented this morning in Madrid a series of joint actions aimed at the amendment "substantially"
Bill to reform the public pension system introduced by the Government and supported by the UGT, CCOO and the employer.
union representatives have stated in a press conference,
"I reject as disproportionate and ineffective and that will drastically reduce the value of pensions. " For these unions, pensions are not the problem of the economy, but employment and propose to control spending and make comprehensive reforms to shape a framework for economic growth and employment. Reforms among which human capital development with more investment in education, enhancing the R & D + i, provide appropriate infrastructure and labor market reform than what has been undertaken. In a statement
are in favor of keeping the 65 years retirement age are entitled to 100% of the board, keep the calculation period in the 15 years with choice worker's years of most interest or set ratios to anticipate the retirement age in certain occupations, among many other proposals.
"Because there are more unions in this country and citizens have expressed mostly opposed this reform," as declared by José Luis Fernández, Minister of Communication of the USO, "we will be belligerent because we understand that unions are to sign improvements for workers, not for the crutches of government. "
These unions, whose platform has been built CESM union in the coming days and expect it to FASGA, are highly representative in leading sectors of our society, including education, banking, government, healthcare, energy, automotive and department stores. They are committed to bringing to the parliamentary groups contributions to reject this Bill, or contributing to the amendment during the parliamentary process.
As it stands, "the pension will decrease about 15%," said Fernandez, "and our society will progress in poverty because the government makes its adjustments sacrificing those in worse situations."
Care sectors. Carmen
Guaita, Vice President ANPE National has called for "maintaining the statutory retirement age for teachers at age 65 and retirement arrangements that exist: the voluntary extension of working life until age 70 and retire at 60 for they reach that age with greater physical and psychological. "
Isabel Lozano, Minister of Communication of SAE, calls "the professionals of health and social welfare are included in a special, due to the stress levels of their working life, being in permanent contact with the disease, because otherwise the retirement at 67 will the situation be that caregivers worse off than patients who attend. "
Rafael Reig, Secretary General of SATSE union action, in favor of a flexible and voluntary, has been reported that simultaneously cuts in the health field will be rescuing the financial sector, and has shown its concern over "reform gross pension system, which is our achievement, and whose attack will be to the benefit of private pension plans. "
For his part, José Ignacio Gutierrez, Secretary General of DC, has recognized not understand "how CCOO and UGT were incorporated into the policy of attack, which is not social policy" and noted that "our pensions will approach the worst in the entire European Union."