These unions did not act despite allegations of fraud. In total charge between 0.5 and 1% of the total cost of early retirement. Judge Mercedes
Alaya says that between 2001 and 2011 the Andalusian Government has spent around 700 million euros to pay early retirement. And unions would have been between 3.5 and 7 million euros both CCOO and UGT by the ERE of the Andalusian government. Has been told
Digital Freedom in the ERE of Boliden had an accounting point of 10000 euros for each of las centrales, UGT y CCOO. Según informa El Mundo, estas cantidades destinadas a los sindicatos se justifican como honorarios por asesoramiento y se producían mediante acuerdos verbales entre CCOO y UGT con la Consejería de Empleo, que incluía las comisiones en los gastos de gestión de los ERE.
En este sentido, estos dos sindicatos recibían el dinero a través de empresas participadas por ellos mismos, que emitían facturas para tramitar los ERE. Así, la Junta pagaba en torno al 1 por ciento a un mediador por realizar los cálculos necesarios y buscar la mejor oferta entre las aseguradoras. Pero en la práctica, los sindicatos "cobran por facilitar a los brokers los datos de los trabajadores."
De este Thus, the mediators do not make payments directly to the CCOO and UGT but their own insurance brokerage agencies. "This has done so since time immemorial, and was in the 90's," said an employee of the Board.
According to several sources, though there was no commission for trade unions had not been closed on ERE. UGT and CCOO but only charged for it on the grounds that "the other unions refused to sign the ERE. If CGT and usage does not sign, because they are not necessary." USO was precisely that uncovered the alleged fraud in the ERE Base Morón. Source .-
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