The Mediterranean Diet Foundation wants to claim back the
stews and in collaboration with Gallina Blanca, has created the "Ten Commandments of soup" in which he presents the ten good reasons to eat this dish .
1. The soup is part of the Mediterranean culinary tradition universal.
2. Contributes to a varied diet, because it can enter all the foods on this diet (fish, meat, rice, herbs, garlic, vegetables).
3.Hidrata the body.
4. It is an economic food.
5. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. 6.Tiene
large satiating power, allowing us to maintain a good weight control.
7. It is easy to digest.
8. It is food safe. By subjecting the food and water at temperatures a hundred degrees (boiling point) will kill microorganisms and possible bacteria. 9.Se
can consume all year, adjusting its temperature and seasonal ingredients.
10. Good for all ages. VEGETABLE SOUP
• 1 ½ liter of good broth or meat stock or chicken
• 400 gr. Swiss chard or spinach
• 300 gr. • 2 carrots, zucchini
• 300 gr.
green beans • 2 leeks ( parte blanca )
•1 cebolla
•3 huevos duros picados
•pan frito en daditos
•aceite de oliva y sal.
Lavar bien todas las verduras. Trocear menudas las espinacas, las judías, la cebolla, los puerros, las zanahorias y los calabacines y poner en una cacerola con un poco de aceite de oliva. Saltear unos momentos y seguidamente mojar con el caldo o fondo de carne o pollo. Dejar cocer a fuego suave hasta que las verduras estén casi tiernas. Rectificar de sal si hiciera falta y servir bien caliente con el huevo duro picado y unos daditos de pan frito.
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