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Su carne oscura y prieta, plato de domingo until 30 years ago, returns to the tables. Haute cuisine has brought back the prestige to pitu caleya, which is again brought up by the thousands.
not resemble the chicken farm. Its meat is darker and harder and unique flavor, even higher, according to their ardent supporters, that of pork, beef and even lamb. Caleya pitu is the chicken, raised in freedom, which feeds on grain and that peak in the soil. It's so different from these white birds we buy from butchers and supermarkets, many people when they eat first doubt that it is chicken and other confessions prefer the taste of that produced in the farms.
Ana Alvarez is one of the few people que en Asturias siguen criando auténtico pitu caleya. Vivió su infancia viendo crecer pollos en el corral de casa y ella continúa la tradición materna.
Sus pitos son nacidos en casa, de huevos empollados por las quicas, esas eficaces gallinas pequeñas que reúnen trece huevos y se quedan cluecas. Ana los cambia por huevos de otras gallinas para garantizar el nacimiento de los pollos. Recién nacidos, los alimenta de pan amasado que ella misma prepara y después comen cereales: trigo, cebada y, sobre todo, maíz, procedente de la huerta familiar. «Y, por supuesto, las verduras que les echamos y lo que comen de la tierra, caracoles, lombrices, pero nada de pienso», explica la propietaria.
After four or five months, the whistles are free and on their own, abandoned by their mothers, they begin to lay eggs again. When daylight falls, retire alone to roost. Just live until they are at least a year. "By then," says Alvarez-weigh and about three and a half kilos of meat are at their best, because they walked and ran much of the farm. " Amador
purchase chicks Mieres market and, sometimes, if opportunity arises, the Lion brings. The first two months gives a bit of feed with 70% corn and wheat and soybeans, to 'a little fattening. " Then the power is reduced for wheat and corn ground, soon to be and all you eat, along with the grass and everything else to bite on the floor. The ex-miner whistles sacrificed about seven or eight months old, when they weigh on average about four kilos. If they are to freeze, the leaves a couple of days round the serene, in a cool place or in the refrigerator before cooking. LOPEZ ISABEL
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