Monday, January 26, 2009

Abortion At 16 Years In South Africa

I turn out the light to give a respite THE PLANET

The world is yours is mine, is all, so take care of it and turn off the light for 10 minutes to give a break on January 28th "

We must not surrender on global warming, therefore WEDNESDAY JANUARY 28 (2009) (see schedule below for each country) proposes to turn off all lights to give a respite to the planet.

The proposal originates in Colombia. Although all the devices off for 10 minutes obviously mean a significant savings in energy-and fuel-for the planet to take a breath and so avoid global warming.

is an effort to raise awareness of the enormous damage the environment is suffering because of global warming, and which is illustrated by some endangered species of plants and animals.

Do not stand with folded arms, tell your family and friends, spread this EVERYONE you know, send e-mail, use facebook, write in your blog, web 2.0, which is, help us! .... and remember ... are just 10 minutes.


BOGOTA (COL): 19:50 - 20:00 hrs
ASUNCION (PAR): 21:50 to 22:00 hrs
This ARGENTINA: 22:50 - 23:00 hrs West
ARGENTINA: 21:50 - 22:00 hrs
CARACAS (VEN): 20:20 to 20:30 hrs
CHICAGO (USA): 18:50 - 19 : 00 hrs
GUATEMALA CITY (GUA): 18:50 - 19:00
PANAMA CITY (PAN): 19:50 - 20:00 hrs
KANSAS (USA): 18:50 - 19: 00 hrs
HAVANA (CUB): 19:50 - 20:00 hrs
LA PAZ (BOL): 20:50 - 21:00 hrs
LIMA (PER): 19:50 - 20:00 hrs
LOS ANGELES (USA): 16:50 to 17:00 hrs
MEXICO DF (MEX): 18:50 - 19:00
MIAMI (USA): 19:50 - 20:00 hrs
MONTEVIDEO (URU): 22:50 - 23:00 hrs
NEW YORK (USA) : 19:50 - 20:00 hrs
QUITO (ECU): 19:50 - 20:00 hrs
SAN JUAN (PR): 20:50 - 21:00 hrs
SAN JOSE (CR): 18: 50 - 19:00 pm
SAN SALVADOR (SAL): 18:50 - 19:00
SANTIAGO DE CHILE (CHI): 22:50 - 23:00 hrs
SANTO DOMINGO (RD): 20:50 - 21:00 SAU
hrs PAUL (BRA): 22:50 - 23:00 hrs
TEGUCIGALPA (HON): 18:50 - 19:00
WASHINGTON (USA): 19:50 - 20:00 hrs

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PARIS (FRA): 19:50 - 20:00 hrs
BERLIN (GER): 19:50 - 20:00 hrs
Berne (SUI): 19:50 to 20:00 hrs
LISBON (POR): 18:50 - 19:00
LONDON (ENG): 18:50 - 19:00
MADRID (ESP): 19:50 - 20 : 00 hrs
MOSCOW (RUS): 21:50 - 22:00 hrs
ROME (ITA): 19:50 to 20:00
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BANGKOK (TAI): 19:50 - 20:00 hrs
ANKARA (TUR): 14:50 - 15:00 hrs
Canberra (AUS): 23 : 50 - 00:00 am HONG KONG
(CHI): 20:50 - 21:00 hrs
ISRAEL (JER): 14:50 - 15:00 hrs
NEW DELHI (IND): 18:50 -
19:00 hrs SEOUL (COR): 21:50 to 22:00 hrs
TOKYO (JAP): 21:50 - 22:00 hrs

If you want to know more on our msn wall or add


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