Monday, January 5, 2009

Milena Velba Bodycast Set

A night full of hope ........ HAPPY 2009

Tonight has always been a night special to me.

helped that tomorrow is my birthday and of course a birthday is always special, that coupled with the night so magical it is, make a night which for me has always been really fantastic.

is a night when the air smells of illusion, hope, so many hopes and dreams of youngsters who just contitagiándote.

remember my parents took me to see the Parade of the Kings and made me believe that when I returned home and had gone through it and I had left the gifts. And also remember, filled with some trepidation, the time at home once again had to look out of the room to see if I had missed something, went through my head a thousand thoughts: "See if you're still in the room," and if we become very soon and we have not had time to stop it, "and if I have nothing left" ,.... In short memories come to mind every Christmas. And of course when entering the room I was with the window open and all the gifts on the bed and then they would those "fears."

Later it was I who helped create this atmosphere of excitement with my brothers (I took five years with my brother and my sister nearly eight) and tried along with my parents that this illusion lasted as many years as possible.

I think magic tonight in the parade to see those faces as they pass the Kings, the rush by before bedtime to be able to raise that amount of illusion in the environment, I love it.

Antonio and sleep and everything is ready for its first kings and although this year really does not know what's going on at home, mom and dad have already finished wrapping all the gifts that have the little guy and has enjoyed as a true dwarf when he saw the bright colors of paper, ribbons and more. I think when we give the packages tomorrow will enjoy more with paper than the gift itself.

Finally we go to bed tomorrow is to get up early to see "that have brought us Kings ".



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