Sunday, May 15, 2011

Best Portable Refractor Telescopes

Pay cuts: The government lies again

From USO, to the denials in recent days has made the Government in relation to the statement that since we spread our Union last week in relation to the new wage cuts that are coming to all public employees, we wish to express:

1.La USE
still maintains that the government is handling several possibilities for cuts, including elimination of specific add-on extra payments. And that study, being conducted at the Directorate-General for Personnel, Ministry of Economy.

2.The Ministry of the Economy is starting a hunt for witches " trying to find people who have leaked the information to the USO (if there were anything, we should not find anything.) 3.For

USO, the credibility of the denials issued by government members is zero, or the accompanying notes
The Vice-Salgado, Minister of Economy, and denied in February 2010 and subsequent cuts wage freeze executed two months later. Also other distinguished members of the Government denied early last year, rumors of pay cuts and breach of union agreements in the administration.

And in May the same year, they spoke against all, said quite the contrary and supported the cuts and freezes. Each one, to make their evaluations, we have very clear, that the study is on the table, pending approval.

if the government is wrong to denounce it at election time, let them. We're just a union and not have to be in key election, that what they do very well polĂ­ticos.Nuestra only mission in the defense of workers, and the USO will continue no matter who weighed, and denouncing these types of measures soon as we know, if they come badly to politicians is their problem, not ours.

If our report serves to stop further action being taken against employees and public employees, we will be satisfied. If, despite everything, still with intention to cut wages, the USO will act accordingly, and take appropriate measures to mobilize all government employees against unfair and unnecessary measures in order to respond appropriate to this Government.


20NOTA 20the% 20MENTIRA-% -% 20NOTAS 20DOS% --- 16-05-2011.pdf 20of% 20NUEVO-New% 20recortes% 20salariales% 20in% 20the% 20AAPP% 2013-05-2011.pdf

Cuts Not


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