few days ago I noticed (in a walk through the aisles with Secretary Angel Trujillo) in a nicely decorated room down the hall of the institute. There was a small placard reading "Classroom Progress." How could it be otherwise, I went to ask our Counselor, Nuria Urbano.
Here you answered my curiosity.

Hall What is Progress?
The Forward Hall is half of a group of 1 ESO A. Diversification is a kind of but in 1 ยบ ESO. There are 15 students in the subjects of Language, Mathematics and English in Primary unsurpassed. Therefore have a level of competence (knowledge, academic) of 4 th or 5 th Primary, ie have a lag of one or two courses. This class is new this year.
What have these studies dynamics of our comrades?
Therefore, we work most of the subjects differently and separately from the rest of 1 A. Work and study without textbooks, through projects and interdisciplinary fields, ie of various subjects.
two teachers working with them Therapeutic Pedagogy in two areas: the sociolinguistic and science and technology, which encompasses all subjects except art, music and physical education, where they share time with on 1 A.
Pupils Progress Classroom work in groups and do one project a month and a half approx. The first quarter was the Water and Power. The second quarter is being de Andalucia (through Feb. 28) and Books and Reading. The third quarter will be in the City and County, during the municipal elections, and another entitled "Travelling to Spain." As you can see, has much to do with his world, with today.
What kind of student is selected for the Advancement Classroom?
course this, anyone who has the need for special attention in their learning. Why are small groups of 15 people, because if they could not be larger work well with them and serve them well.
But of course, not all who need it are eligible for the Hall Progress. You can not give an opportunity like this to students refused, totally unconcerned about their studies. The Forward Hall is for students not recoverable for students objectors or irresponsible.
In fact we had to make a choice because we are only Progress has been awarded a classroom with their teachers and our student center is much needed to be reinforced, though of course there is other support for them as Compensatory reinforcement or diversification.
We have already requested the classroom Advance for Secondary 2 and hope that we keep on 1 because we already have ready a project as one related to the bicentennial of La Pepa, of the Constitution of 1812.
Good for nothing else, thank you very much Nuria be addressed.
Alfonso's no, that's what we are.

As you see, no one is left behind in the Virgen de la Esperanza.
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