Seeing us in positions of decision Partnerships are more fair!
Over 100 years of demands by women and men organized, these more acetic today with the movements of Men for Equality, has been multiplying, as well as increased legal and social reforms (Law against Gender Violence, Law on Equality, Law on Sexual and Reproductive Code reforms Criminal on separation and divorce plans against trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation, Equality Plan in Rural Areas, etc.). All valuable tools that we pave the road to equality.

Women voting for the Basque Statute of Autonomy of Euskadi in the year 1933 (during the Second Republic)
But how real is the participation of women in social life?
has been achieved formal recognition of the participation of women in equality and in all areas, but we are dragging a huge imbalance in participation, in decision making and accountability of the private, we still find:
- Yes, there are teachers and professors with a greater presence in academia, but still least reaching positions of responsibility and decision. (In our center, 10%).
- Yes, women in political power, although gender parity has not yet reached.
- Yes, there is presence of women in economic decision-making bodies, but is scarce, although this proved that companies with directors improve economic performance.
- The economic activity rate of women in the private sector is lower than the male, have worse jobs and lower incomes, although training is at least comparable.
- The responsibility for the division of housework is pending.

Michelle Bachelet, the first woman to reach the presidency of Chile.
real and effective equality goes through the incorporation of women to quality employment under the same conditions as men, and requires an equal distribution in domestic affairs and family care. Only with real responsibility between men and women will balance the opportunities and produce a reasonable economic and human development.
celebrate this day with satisfaction but aware of the slow progress and what still lies ahead. We should not and can stop working and join forces so that we are better and more women represented in the fields of power and decision making. EMPOWERMENT!
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