Article published in the No. II of Pandora's Box.

Image source: Giro Design. Visit Him, no price.
Reading is a very interactive hobby among the human are also developing our brain power, our language and our imagination.
is a door that allows access to places you in real life could not not even approach. It is the only "hobby" in which no distinction of race, culture or social condition is a way to unite all social groups, have points in common, reforming the knowledge of a society without prejudice. But many people prefer watching TV or computer games to sit in an armchair at home, with a good book

There are no books that bite, so do not be afraid to take one and start reading.
In Spain, and also around the world, the habit of reading is being lost or is being replaced by other forms of entertainment that eliminate the ability to imagine something. This could be prevented at all costs if many parents teach their children the habit of reading, or at least they tried. But is this enough? Could our society so devoted to reading but not to television or video games?
we who read and read what we are. Recent
Research from the Ministry of Culture, over 83% of young people today do not read English.
But if you do not read enough books, perhaps because the book is expensive and nucho today parents can not afford the expense. Or because there is no school library or in the neighborhood. Perhaps not read because they fill the day with activities that are supposed to allow them to be adults with work and not allow time for creative leisure. Or do not read because they do not like to read and if
kick a ball?

The excuse that there is no affordable books or libraries is no longer valid. The paperbacks cost 5 or 6 euros (same a Cubata) and libraries (although less Line) are large, comfortable and complete. A good alternative is the library of our institute to carry our good Luis and Felix.
Those who do read, it may be because:
boys who like to read, which may not correspond to what an adult thinks they should read, from a novel, to cartoons and comics via textbooks or stories. Readers will always passionate fans, kids who hide in a corner to read and those who read for the duty of the teacher, children choose their readings and those who read what they dan, kids who read even though parents do not do so and others so tired of seeing books in their houses or open them.
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