sayings are small rhymes of popular culture with its content something we all know but often forget that. They are very curious and useful, not only our grandmothers know them, we may also use them.
Here is a small selection of the most famous and some of the closest culturally foreign (English America).
Well, that, do good and look at the proverbs.

- Like father, like son.
- A really fits.
- Dog barking, bite. Caracol
- star, pass not by his side. (Avoid the bad jointer)
- Forewarned is forearmed. (Do not look only for the present, also for the future)
- Putting on a brave face.
- who does not work, does not eat hay. (At least, that was in the Middle Ages ... and now)

common sayings in Chile
- The choice is
- A love potion grumpy , raised rezogona. (The more nagging, less if done)
- A dead beard, liability cover. (Or, dead and alive hole bun)
- A bull old, old cowbell. (Take care of our elderly, who tend to be wise)
- A pan hard, sharp tooth.

Sayings frequent in Argentina.
- Where there is hunger, no bread. (That good food tastes when you are hungry right?)
- In the mouth the fish dies.
- The master's eye fattens the cattle. (What is ours, it is always best)
- At no shortage of skinny dog \u200b\u200bfleas. (Or, misfortunes never come singly)
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