Africa is a continent most hit by the injustice and inequality. That is something we all know but do not always know enough. So the following is a brief analysis of the Education, Health and Equality of Women in the black continent.

Teaching Sub-Saharan Africa:
data and studies by the United Nations, the World Bank and various governments report that progress in African education have been very shy and rare.
is believed that 100 million children worldwide lack access to education is, of which more than 44 million are in sub-Saharan Africa.
Factors such as the plurality of languages \u200b\u200b(about 1000), the economic situation, an extremely young population, and civil armed conflict, HIV / AIDS, extreme poverty, the role of girls in the family ... make a formal educational qualification is a real challenge for any child of an African family.
is expected to begin primary education from 5 to 7 years, but most begin with 10 children, and in the case of girls, they soon find themselves trapped in the marriage premature.
Most education systems are inadequate and unattractive in relation to African society, whether the discrepancy of the school calendar and cultural lifestyles of each region, or the distance that hinder mobility (especially in the case of girls).
All these factors create conditions almost impossible for children to continue the school year, let alone complete the four academic years in a row.

The role of women Africa:
In Africa, women's value lies in getting day to day survival of his family. His courageous struggle has become an economic engine of African society and that their contribution represents 80-85% of the African economy.
She is a mainstay in every moment of its existence, from childhood to be educated in the future an exemplary mother, a faithful wife and an excellent worker. His moral strength and capacity of organization make great responsibility and effort to accomplish any task assigned to it and quietly completed successfully.
Despite the important work performed, African women has always been a victim of ignorance and lack of recognition, making their role is underestimated.
His daily toil for existence will continue to outpace and removing obstacles to feel the desire to carry out a happy life, despite his hard silence has little public recognition.

the spread of AIDS in Africa.
Malnutrition and Disease in Africa:
In southern Africa, some more than 14 million people are at risk of starvation in the six affected countries in this area: Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Famine of 1992 was mainly due to drought. In this crisis, AIDS has affected all countries, where the impact of HIV reduced agricultural productivity and hence the food supply security.
HIV / AIDS increases the risks of hunger. In households affected by the pandemic in this crisis, revenue fell by more than 80%. In this region, one in four people aged 15 to 49 (productive middle age) living with the virus.
most desperate people in these situations, resort to survival strategies dangerous and risky, such as selling land or exchanging sex for food or money. These measures in extremis undermine the ability of people to recover and escape from poverty in the long term.
With all this, I conclude that all the problems and negative increments facing the African population, the extreme lack of food is the worst and most remarkable because of the decline of a continent which has been or is still the most exploited and manipulated the world. To avoid this, many NGOs struggle against many obstacles of life of Africans. Here are some of them:

- Rainbow Africa: NGO established with the aim of vaccinating children Saharan Africa and help in their education.
- Hope Africa: Development Aid Association, created to ensure the welfare of children and young people in Cameroon. Thus, this charity helps improve their living conditions to provide a better future.
- UNICEF: United Nations agency which aims to ensure compliance with the rights of children contained in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- Manos Unidas: is an NGO (Organization Non-Governmental Development) Catholic and volunteers. Since its inception in 1960, focuses on two objectives: raising awareness of the English population about the reality of so-called Third World countries, inviting social engagement with others disadvantaged in the world, and financing of development projects in Africa, Latin and Asia. Development projects are of five types: health, agriculture, education, promotion of women and social promotion.

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