Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ideas For A Rustic Bathroom

USO calls on the Council of State to reconsider some aspects of pension reform APPLICATION RESEARCH

. In a letter to Francisco Rubio, President of the State Council, Julio Salazar, secretary general usage requires the institution to consider some proposals on the Draft Law on Updating, Upgrading and Modernization of Security Social, published on February 3, 2011, for "consider that some of its provisions violate the principles governing the English Constitution and the indeterminacy of some measures leading to legal insecurity of citizens."

addition to these considerations, which are detailed in the letter, the USO believes that citizens have been forming a trust in the pension system present and expectations according to the regulations still in force, which are broken with these reforms and have also taken decisions throughout their working life based on existing regulations.

D. Francisco Rubio Llorente.

President State Council
C / Mayor, 79 28013 Madrid

Madrid, February 24, 2011.

Hon. Sr.:

I turn to you, in my capacity as Secretary General of Union Sindical Obrera (USO), due to a concern commonly shared, rights of all citizens and especially of all workers .

The purpose of this paper is to require that institution to take into account the approaches set out below relating to the Draft Bill on Updating, Upgrading and Modernization of the Social Security System, published on 3 February 2011, considering that some of its provisions violate the principles governing the English Constitution and the indeterminacy of some measures that cause legal uncertainty for citizens.


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